Our team


Pere Matarin Cruz

Technical Account Manager (TAM)


Pere Matarin is one of our Technical Account Managers at Tappx. The essential skills for his job, according to his opinion, are good communication and teamwork. Let’s chat with him to find out more.

Question: How did you get into the programmatic industry?

Answer: I entered the programming industry after having studied a DAM (Multiplatform Application Development) course. Once in that course, I stumbled upon Tappx to do my internship. I could enter as an intern until the internship contract was over and finally I entered as a Backend Developer.

Q: What is the best part of being a Technical Account Manager?

A: The best part of being a TAM is the control you have over your accounts. By coordinating with the Account Manager, the control is much more precise and you can be aware of any changes to react as quickly as possible.

Q: Could you list some tips to become a good TAM? What are the essential skills needed in your job?

A: The most important is:

  • Have good communication skills
  • Be involved in what you do
  • Like to have everything under control
  • Teamwork is essential, you don’t have to be afraid to communicate with other departments. The goal is always to get the job done and with help it’s always easier!

Q: Tell us about a recent success story or job goal you’re proud of.

A: A few months ago I was in charge of a web project that at first was hard to get the rhythm and the way to manage it, but little by little and with the help of colleagues I have been able to take a little more control. For me, a job well done is when other people are able to recognize it.

Q: How do you organize your day? What tools do you use and which of them are your favorite ones?

A: To organize my day-to-day I personally use lists. I create notepads where I write down what I think is the highest priority for the day, and in what order and I get an idea of the approximate time I can take to accomplish each section. Once the list is done, every morning we have a meeting at 9 am to review priorities and coordinate with the team and then we change the order or add new priorities.

Q: What do you expect from the future of the industry? What needs to be improved?

A: The future is quite uncertain in my opinion. You can only look into the near future in the technology industry because it is constantly moving and changing. You always have to be prepared for anything. Even the smallest change can lead to a much bigger one that affects on a larger scale.

Q: Do you have any idea how many emails you send per day?

A: In our day-to-day work I usually send about 3 emails per day as most of my work is focused on support and development.

Q: What is the app you use the most in your daily life?

A: Redmine, no doubt, since that is where issues are managed, responded to and prioritized. Although it is also worth mentioning that Google Meet is widely used.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you get home and disconnect from work?

A: The first thing I think is to disconnect. 8 hours in front of a screen is enough and it is not good to saturate the mind all day long. Leaving screens away and going out to get some fresh air is always a good idea.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: To help my family and be able to share what I earn to improve the quality of life of the people I love. Once that is done, to become independent without being tied to a mortgage.


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