Our team


Eva Rueda Torres

Supply Account Manager


This is Eva, from the Tappx Supply team. She enjoys working with data and seeing how an account succesfully evolves and achieves its results. Let’s learn more about her and her work.

Question: What is the best part of being an Account Manager?

Answer: What I like most about being an Account Manager at Tappx is seeing how an account evolves after all the work behind it. We worked hard to get the maximum benefit for our clients and it is very rewarding to see how all parties are focused on achieving our goals. Also, working with data all day long is something that an analytical person loves to do.

Q: Could you list some tips to become a good AM? What are the essential skills needed in your job?

A: For me, the essential is to have a clear customer orientation and people skills, as well as knowing how to handle negotiations when making requests and elaborating proposals. I also consider it essential to be an analytical person so as to know the right steps and opportunities to optimize an account to the maximum.

Q: How do you organize your day? What tools do you use and which of them are your favorite ones?

A: The first thing I do every day is to access my email and see if I have any pending tasks. The next thing is going to the dashboard and seeing how my accounts have been the previous day. From there I plan the priorities for the day. On a daily basis, I use MyAdmin, Tappx’s Dashboard, HubSpot, Redmine… and other very useful tools on the publisher side like Amazon TAM. For me the most useful tool and the one I use the most in my day-to-day is MyAdmin.

Q: Tell us about a recent reliable client relationship, success story, or goal you’re proud of.

A: I’ve been very little time in Tappx but the first account I was assigned at the beginning was difficult to start. It took about 2 weeks to investigate what could happen and together with my colleagues we found the problem. After solving it with the IT team’s help, now it’s a very profitable account with a very promising future in this company.

Q: What do you expect from the future of the industry? What needs to be improved?

A: I would say that in an industry as competitive and increasingly relevant as programmatic, each company should be more transparent with its own partners, as there are still companies that do not reflect the real data, and metrics are distorted.

Q: Do you have any idea how many emails you send per day?

A: It could be between 5 and 15 emails per day.

Q: What is the app you use the most in your daily life?

A: Spotify. I always take music with me wherever I go!

Q: What is the first thing you do when you get home and disconnect from work?

A: When I finish work, what I like most is to watch TV shows, go for a walk or hang out with a friend.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: The first thing I would do would be to give a portion to my family and close friends. For myself, I would prepare a huge trip, or several, I would also start buying a house of my own, and I would like to donate some portion to associations for the fight against cancer and animal shelters.

Q: Finally, could you tell us something funny about yourself?


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