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Daniela Hernández Rizo

Marketing Specialist


As a Marketing Specialist, Daniela values the creativity and diverse skill set her role offers, emphasizing the importance of staying curious and up-to-date on trends.

When it comes to organizing her day, she’s a pro. She’s got to-do lists, time blocks, and even uses tools like Google Calendar, Notion, and Trello to keep everything on track. And get this, even if she hit the jackpot and won the lottery, she’d still keep working. Talk about dedication!

Question: How did you get into the programmatic industry?

Answer: Techsoulogy is my first professional approach to the programmatic industry. After a couple of years working in Fintech & Startups, I knew I wanted to keep working within the Tech Industry, and AdTech sounded especially interesting to me because of my Marketing Background.

Q: What is the best part of being a Marketing Specialist?

A: Being a Marketing Specialist comes with a lot of advantages, challenges, and responsibilities. It allows you to be very creative in a dynamic and ever-changing field, so it’s important to remain curious and up-to-date on trends and tools.

From a personal and professional point of view, you get to deeply develop a varied set of skills, including digital marketing, social media management, content creation, data analysis, and strategic thinking. As well as great communication skills, both written and spoken.

Furthermore, from a business perspective, Marketing is usually a department that works hand in hand with other Departments of the company, allowing you to get a broader vision of the business and consequently impact on its growth and success.

Q: Could you list some tips to become a good Marketing Specialist? What are the essential skills needed in your job?

A: My biggest tip would be to stay curious, and always learn about new trends, tools, and concepts within the Marketing field. There are infinite resources available and possibilities are endless, so be creative and curious. To me, some essential skills in Marketing are copywriting, design and photography.

Q: How do you organize your day? What tools do you use and which of them are your favorite ones?

A: I’m a big to-do-list person, this has proven to be a good strategy to help me organize my time and tasks. I’m also keen on time blocking, and Google Calendar is my favorite tool for that. Other Apps I frequently use to organize my days are Notion and Trello.

Q: Do you have any idea how many emails you send per day?

A: I would say around 10 on a normal day. My biggest communication channel within the working environment is Slack.

Q: What is the app you use the most in your daily life?

A: I would say my top 3 are WhatsApp, Slack, and Social Media (Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn), I use them all about the same amount of times. WhatsApp to communicate with friends and family, Slack for work-related comms, and Social Media for fun & work, perks of working in Marketing.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you get home and disconnect from work?

A: It depends on the day and if I’m working from home or not. But it’s either put my workout clothes on and head out to the gym for a couple of hours, or put my pjs on and have a chill night at home with my boyfriend.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: If I won the lottery, I would probably buy a house, invest, and travel a bit. I don’t think I would stop working, I guess I would take a couple of months of sabbatical to travel, but when I’m back I would continue working and maybe a couple of years later start my own business. I also wouldn’t tell many people about it haha just my very close relatives.


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