Our team


Albert Valverde Rodrigo

Infrastructures Team Leader


Meet Albert, a seasoned professional in programmatic technology. With a passion for tech since his studies, he dove into the industry straight out of university. As an Infrastructure Team Leader, Albert finds fulfillment in inspiring the team and fostering growth. He emphasizes crucial leadership skills like critical thinking and emotional intelligence and uses tools like a notepad and calendar to organize his day efficiently, prioritizing morning meetings and strategic planning. Get to know him better through this interview.

Question: How did you get into the programmatic industry?

Technology has always been one of my passions, so my studies were oriented toward this industry, in which I had the opportunity to work right after finishing them.


Q: What is the best part of being an Infrastructure Team Leader?

A: From my point of view, one of the best parts of being an Infrastructure Team Leader is having the opportunity to inspire and contribute both within and outside the team. Additionally, I believe that helping your team grow professionally while working together to achieve goals and ultimately succeeding after dedicating effort to it is the best part of being a Team Leader.


Q: Could you list some tips for becoming a good Infrastructure Team Leader? What are the essential skills needed in your job?

A: I believe that a good leader should:

  • Have the ability to identify and balance their team’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Guide, support, and provide the necessary tools for the team to continue improving.
  • Act in a way that sets an example for the rest of the team.
  • Promote teamwork
  • Encourage innovation or idea proposals from all team members
  • Not prioritize the needs or goals of their team above those of the business


Skills that I consider essential:

  • Always keeping innovation in mind
  • Having an open mindset to change
  • Critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Being solution-oriented
  • Active listening
  • Being a good communicator


Q: How do you organize your day? What tools do you use, and which are your favorite?

A: I organize myself on a daily basis using a notepad, a task manager, and a calendar.

Whenever possible, I would recommend scheduling meetings only in the morning, setting the objectives beforehand, and not exceeding the strictly necessary time.


Q: Do you have any idea how many emails you send per day?

A: I think less than 10 per day.


Q: What is the app you use the most in your daily life?

A: YouTube, Google Calendar, and Google Keep (to write notes) are the applications I use the most.


Q: What is the first thing you do when you get home and disconnect from work?

A: Do exercise and spend quality time with my family.


Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: I would buy a house and invest the rest of the money.



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